content on this website¶
This site contains all my DBA and SRE KnowHow and will be updated continuasly: - searchable lists of commands for postgresql databases adminstration - Kubernetes documentations for beginners - some great tips and trick i've learned over the years - whatever will come to my mind
my mindset
I'm an inquisitive database admin evolving a Site Reliability Engineering mindset. The ability to build reliable, high-quality systems and technical abilities depends on a team with a positive work culture.
Ich bin ein wissbegieriger Datenbankadministrator mit einer Denkweise des Site Reliability Engineering. Die Fähigkeit, zuverlässige, hochwertige Systeme und technische Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln, hängt von einem Team mit einer positiven Arbeitskultur ab.
reach out to me¶
- 👀 I’m interested in Python, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, HANA, Oracle, Bash, Linux, MacOS and since some short time in Golang
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Python and GoLang
- 📫 How to reach me:
- Twitter: @DBALucasD
- Masterdon: @dbalucas
- Instagram: @dbalucasd
- Xing: Lucas
- LinkedIn: Lucas
- Github: @dbalucas